What is actually going wrong here?
What happened,
that a child loses its mother.
That fathers, with no prospect of ever returning home,
march to war covered with weapons.
That thousands of people die because of a virus,
slowly everything falls apart,
and in the end we are left with a mountain of broken pieces.
Why doesn’t God do anything about it,
why doesn't he end the misery,
why is there so much suffering everywhere?
What if there was pure justice all over the world?
What would a world full of peace be like,
there would be no suffering, no hunger, no wars.
If the whole world were perfect.
Imagine you have no worries.
The military has become unnecessary,
and hospitals can close.
There is no need for prisons,
and the police have no duty.
This world would be beautiful and perfect.
But in such a world,
Would you still need God?
How quickly would people forget him,
because there would be no more suffering, everyone would have enough to eat.
In which situations do you scream you God,
if you're well,
or when everything becomes too much and no one can do it anymore.
Even if you manage to trust him all your life,
How long would your children look at him?
How long would anyone continue to believe in him?
Who would need it?
For how quickly people forget their God,
People walking through divided seas,
for whom water flows from rocks
and for whom God brings three days of darkness upon the world.
But in the end there is no perfect world anyway,
there are wars and suffering,
and would he remove all evil,
How should he decide?
Sure, the murderer has to go, but we can stay,
because we are people who stay close to him,
Sheep grazing in its meadows,
and our only sin is to lie or insult our loved ones.
But that’s not half as bad,
we didn't kill anyone,
not robbed a store,
nor did it start a war.
And yet it is sin that separates us from God.
And he simply wiped out all evil,
then I'm sure it would affect us too.
And should he stand above as a judge,
and looks down, if only he could see his children.
How can he forgive a daughter
and another one not.
Even if she had committed the worst sin in this world.
Why should he save me as his child, but not her.
Because she is just as much his daughter, just as much his child.
His love belongs to me as much as it does to her.
What do you think of the poetry slam?
Feel free to write it in the comments.
Poetry Slam is written by Rebekka (IG: @rebekka.glr)