Before You
You see me.
Look into my heart,
even if you know I don't like
be so open with you.
I feel uncomfortable
I could hate myself for it,
not to see my facade upright,
to let my wall collapse.
Even if it is only you,
who can see me like this,
You, who are always there,
I'm not wearing anything in front of you.
No layers of cotton wool to act as a buffer,
no baggy clothes to hide me.
I am not standing before them,
only before you,
I can't scare you.
I stand before you as I am,
as you created me.
Even if I don't like myself
and don't know what suits me.
Then I drift in the open sea
without seeing a direction
and you bring me to you,
only you can pull me to the shore.
I can rely on you,
give myself completely into your hands,
but I can not trust myself,
cannot give up the helm.
I am so tense,
doesn't want to lose control.
Not even in your hand.
Can't let myself be led.
And I float in a vacuum
and what I should do
I hardly know
and my head is so full,
because I can't find my task
in this world balance.
But I think you have a plan
which I cannot yet imagine.
©Maike Pütz
Instagram: @123mai12
If you don't know what your plan is yet or you are not sure yet, I want to encourage you to take time to ask God!
God is good and knows exactly what is good and right for you!
Sometimes it is enough to simply relax in his presence.