The following poetry slam came into Timo's head while studying during the exam phase and he simply wrote it down. During this time, in addition to studying, he spent a lot of time with God.
The path to heaven's gate
People come and people go,
That's the principle, you have to understand it.
Sometimes you'll stand there alone,
sometimes the tears roll,
because brothers go from you.
Think about these words
because one day you will stand at the gates of heaven
and notice
hey, actually, I was never alone,
because I always had you,
why should I have been lonely?
Yes, I mean the Lord God
He is like a bright shining star,
who goes with you and gives you light.
Yes, he leads us through these dark valleys
and yet we often make mistakes and choose the wrong path,
even though he's standing there advising you the right path.
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