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Courage [PoetrySlam)


Yes you out there
Do you actually know what courage means?
To be honest
I've been thinking about this topic for years
Yes, and I think so...
How can it work without courage?
The courage of faith leads us to live this one conviction.
Because... this one conviction of courage leads us to do good!
Do you know what courage means?
It's about that one surrender of courage,
that Jesus proved for us on the cross!
Yes, the eternal sign of devotion was given to us 2000 years ago.
He, yes, he himself showed us!
Do you know what courage means?
It's about this one resistance in the spirit of courage,
that we should live!
Because in all the calamity of our world there are words of salvation.
Do you know what courage means?
It's about this one Spirit of God.
To show the peace and hope that the Spirit of God teaches us!
It's about pure words of salvation. Without... without these words of salvation...How are we supposed to understand courage?
How, then, should we love?
It's about this one untamed love...
About this Spirit of God who lives in and around us and teaches us!
Do you now know what courage means?
by Theresa Elena Lediger
Instagram: @theresa_followerofchrist
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Yes, I'll say it again: be brave and determined! Don't be intimidated and don't be afraid! For I, the Lord your God, will help you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Do you still have situations in your life
in which you should become braver?
Feel free to write your thoughts about the PoetrySlam in the comments below and also check out Theresa on Instagram!
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